Vol. 32, No. 3 (Fall 2007)
pp. 327-357
The Population Cycle Drives Human History
– from a Eugenic Phase into a Dysgenic Phase and Eventual Collapse
Volkmar Weiss
German Central Office for Genealogy, Leipzig
In the period before the onset of demographic transition
from large to small families, when fertility rates were positively
associated with income levels, Malthusian pressure gave an evolutionary
advantage to individuals whose characteristics were positively
correlated with child quality and hence higher IQ, increasing
in such a way the frequency of underlying genes in the population.
As the fraction of individuals of higher quality increased,
technological progress intensified. Positive feedback between
technological progress and the level of education reinforced
the growth process, setting the stage for an industrial revolution
that facilitated an endogenous take-off from the Malthusian
trap. The population density rose and with it social and political
friction, especially important at the top of the social pyramid.
Thus, from a certain turning point of history, the well-to-do
have fewer children than the poor. Once the economic environment
improves sufficiently, the evolutionary pressure weakens, and
on the basis of spreading egalitarian ideology and general suffrage
the quantity of people gains dominance over quality. At present,
we have already reached the phase of global human capital deterioration
as the necessary prerequisite for a global collapse by which
the overpopulated earth will probably decimate those of mediocre