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JSPES, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Summer 2010)
pp. 242-254

Heading for a World Apocalypse?

Donald A. Collins

International Services Assistance Fund, Washington D.C.

Conditions that could lead to a planetary apocalypse are developing in categories that are seen by experts from many disciplines as requiring urgent improvement. Population growth is outpacing planetary resources, affecting global health and stability. Governance of many countries has failed, resulting in civil unrest, the desperate migrations of many populations, and brush-fire wars. Environmental damage caused by the appetites not only of the U.S. and developed nations but by emerging giants such as China and India will have a global impact on air, water, basic sanitation, food security, and desertification. The current world population of 6.75 billion is predicted to grow to between 9 and 10 billion by the year 2050. As population density grows, the failure of governments to bring decent living conditions to the massively increased populations of many areas contributes to anger and unrest. The possibility also grows daily of a human apocalypse initiated by nuclear bombs in the hands of dangerously aberrant forces.