Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall
2001 )
pp. 625-638
The Ethos of Global Intervention
Dwight D. Murphey
Despite the presence in the world of a great many particularist
movements that would split societies into smaller units, there
is also a powerful drive toward consolidation, powered primarily
by an international leadership that has adopted an ethos of
global meliorism. In effect, the philosophy is that "everyone's
business is our business." Important voices in the United
States have expressed a desire for some constraints, but even
these have called for a wide scope of world intervention. All
of this is very much at odds with the traditional American foreign
policy that prevailed until 1898. Now that the Cold War is over,
the author says, it is time for a serious reexamination of the
premises underlying both the new and the tradition policies.