Vol. 29, No. 3 (Fall 2004)
pp. 291-303
Communal Values, Cultural Identity and
the Challenge of Development in Contemporary Africa
Olatunji A. Oyeshile
Given the urgency to transcend its image as a "dark continent,"
every African should be concerned about the need to arrest the
level of disorder which has made corruption and ethnic warfare
the trade mark of most African states. The problem of African
development has been traced among other factors to political
instability, economic crises, societal breakdown, demographic
pressures, Christian, Moslem and pagan religious conflicts,
and the incompatible ethnic configuration of African states
due to amalgamation of diverse tribal and ethnic groups within
political borders established under colonial rule. We therefore
argue that the traditional African emphasis on communal values
needs to be reinvigorated while remembering that African leaders
need to be more ready to adopt new values and ideas such as
will promote future development.