Vol. 31, No. 3 (Fall
2006 )
pp. 265 - 277
The Quest For Good Governance In Africa What Form Of Democracy
Is Most Suitable?
Francis Offor
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
The author analyzes the concept of democracy, notably as it
is perceived in the contemporary Western world, and refers to
the present debate amongst African scholars as to whether it
would not be better to abandon this "alien" political
doctrine and turn to more traditional African values. He concludes
that while traditional cultural values provide strength to a
society, the Western concept of democracy is now a factor in
African life, and because certain elements of popular democracy
were often present in pre-colonial African society the best
way forward in Africa is build on such elements as will help
in the construction of an authentic paradigm relevant to the
conditions in Africa at this crucial moment of her history.