Vol. 32, No. 3 (Fall 2007)
pp. 305-316
Energy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Gawdat Bahgat
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana
Israel has very limited indigenous hydrocarbon resources and
is located next to the energy-rich Persian Gulf region. This
study is divided into two parts. In the first part Israel’s
energy outlook is profiled. Specifically, the paper examines
the country’s oil and natural gas exploration and potential.
In the second part the seemingly successful negotiations to
export natural gas from Egypt to Israel is discussed. This is
followed by an analysis of the efforts to export the Iraqi oil
via Israel (the Mosul-Haifa pipeline) and the attempt to revive
the scheme in the aftermath of the 2003 war in Iraq. Finally,
the article examines the shortlived experience in exporting
Iranian oil to Israel under the Shah and the current status
of the Trans-Israel pipeline. The study suggests that a regional
energy-cooperation would benefit all parties and international
energy markets. However, such cooperation is unlikely in the
near future.