Vol. 35, No. 3 (Fall 2010)
pp. 329-355
“Sex Pol” Ideology: The Influence of the Freudian-Marxian Synthesis on Politics and Society
K.R. Bolton
Academy of Social and Political Research
Many of the cultural and social mores and resultant political policies that are today accepted as mainstream, or comparatively so, and have been lauded as “progressive,” can be traced to specific political agendas of extreme orientation. Cultural Marxism for example has had, like its counterpart in anthropology, its highly organized coteries; and as in anthropology, fundamentally Marxist perceptions are today regarded as liberal and scholarly. While the USSR had no need for subtleties, the same fundamental doctrines were presented in the West under other guises. This article examines some of the origins and the development of today’s moral relativity as part of a deliberate strategy to eliminate traditional morality in the interests of political agendas that have among their origins the so-called “sex pol” (“sexual politics”) ideology of a coterie of German Communists who found the academic openings in the USA which were denied to them even among fellow Communists in Germany and Stalin’s Russia.