Vol. 32, No. 2 (Spring
pp. 75-87
The Great Population Debate: An Opinion
Donald A. Collins
Board Member, Family Health International
debate over the ongoing explosion of population in the
developing countries of the world has become more muted since
the 1960s, but the author claims that population pressure
is a major cause of the contemporary problems that plague
so much of the Third World. He also argues that the widely
disparate birthrates around the world threaten the peace of
the world, and advocates the diversion of greater resources
toward the provision of contraceptives to those countries
that are too poor to provide them to their own people. Many
impoverished Third World countries are currently doubling
their population every twenty to twenty five years, and funds
spent on ameliorating the demographic problem would not only
reduce much of the misery afflicting these countries but would
result in far greater savings in other areas.