Council for Social and Economic Studies
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JSPES, Vol. 40, Nos. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2015)
Laode Ida
Muslim Sects in Indonesia and the Emergence of Intolerance
Chuz’maria BekeeEberendu
Metaphorical Concepts, Ethno-reinforcing Knowledge, and Contemporary Analysis of Nigerian Politics and Violence
George Michael
Louis Farrakhan’s Outreach to Muslims in Africa and the Middle East
Edward Dutton
Towards a Religious Studies that is Less Religious: The 'Words Against Death' Model and the Need for a Genuine 'Science' of Religion
Dwight D. Murphey
BOOK REVIEW ARTICLE A Gentle Look at Race, Evolution and Genetics: Nicholas Wade’s Elevation of Science Over Ideology Dwight D. Murphey
Book Reviews
The Specter of Capital • A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War • Hollywood Traitors Blacklisted Screenwriters; Agents of Stalin, Allies of Hitler
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