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JSPES, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2002 )
p. 203-226

The Problem of Post-Communist Education: The Romanian Example

Miroslav-Valeriu Tascu, John Noftsinger, Stephen Bowers

The crucial role of education in transforming post-Communist society is illustrated by developments in Romania during its first post-revolutionary decade, where post-communist governments have yet to come to grips with the problem of highly trained scientific specialists being attracted to service abroad. According to a survey in 2000, 66% of Romania's students are likely to emigrate. The Romanian economy is still primarily oriented around agricultural and industrial production so the education system is burdened with essentially basic demands. However, measures were introduced in 1990 to create centers of excellence in an effort to prevent the flight of skilled technicians to other nations, and the current Romanian education system is designed to prepare for European integration.