Vol. 27, No. 4 (Winter
2002 )
pp. 393-408
The Current Status of China's Military
Space Program
James H. Hughes
This article analyses China's current military space program.
Many of China's space programs are deemed to be civilian, but
have dual use, especially with regard to military capabilities.
The relevance of China's space assets to the military sphere
is analyzed. China's distinctive path to space development that
includes the military is highlighted with its international
cooperation. Collaborating countries include the former Soviet
Union, now Russia along with its republics, the United States,
Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and Brazil. China's military
space development relies heavily on cooperation with other countries,
and in particular on the United States. When the latter became
public knowledge, it caused a political dispute which led to
a Congressional investigation, especially in connection with
space launch market cooperation. China's prime interest at this
time is in developing anti-satellite weapons as a leveler against
a potential adversary's space assets.