Vol. 28, No. 4 (Winter
2003 )
pp. 451-486
An Examination of Gender Asymmetry in Divorce:an
Extension of Fisher's Thesis
Wade C. Mackey, Ronald S. Immerman
Fisher profiled the broad outlines of the relationship between
men and women in the "sex contract": courting, marriage, and
divorce. This article examines selected dynamics of divorce
to extend the basics of Fisher's thesis. The argument is presented
that, although the genders have a reciprocal relationship with
each other, the reciprocity is not symmetrical. The relationship
is asymmetrical. In the context of the development of romantic
love (limerence), the social father, and paternal certainty,
plus the cultural overlay of marriage upon pair-bonding, it
is suggested that, across the millennia, the range of options
from which the woman would choose her sexual partners has been
attenuated. However, in the latter part of the 20th century,
for some communities there was a lessening of the cultural mandates
for an on-going social father and a permanent marriage commitment;
i.e., procuring a divorce became relatively easy and was de-stigmatized.
The resulting divorce patterns in the these communities, it
is argued, reflect a much older mating pattern wherein female
choice, based upon her psycho-emotional motivations, may have
been pre-potent in selecting mating partners.