Vol. 32, No. 4 (Winter 2007)
pp. 453-473
Protection of Speech, or Protection of
Political Allies?:
The U.S. Supreme Court and Libel
William L. Anderson
Amit Shah
Frostburg State University, Maryland
In modern times, libel suits are becoming increasingly scarce,
and media firms are improving their prospects of successfully
defending themselves. This is due in large part because in 1964
the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously changed the bounds of freedom
of the press. New York Times v. Sullivan basically struck
down all state laws on libel and gave new guidelines on how
future libel laws needed to be written when the subject in
question involved the actions of “public officials.” The authors’
examination of the decision and its aftermath infers that the
Supreme Court was protecting media outlets such as the New
York Times that had been supportive of the court’s own “progressive”
agenda. The Sullivan decision ultimately relieved the Times and other media organizations of huge potential financial liabilities
by substantially lessening their exposure to libel. Furthermore,
the court’s 1974 Gertz v. Robert Welch decision, far
from being a “give back” ruling, further advances the authors’