Vol. 33, No. 4 (Winter 2008)
pp. 405-425
The Kurds in Post-Invasion Iraq: The Myth of Rebuilding the Iraqi State
Aram Rafaat
University of South Australia
The Kurds are an ancient Indo-European people who are different
from any of the neighbouring nations. Their language is quite distinct from
Arabic. For the past 80 years or more, Iraq’s centralized system of control
has failed to accommodate those Kurds who live inside the borders of Iraq,
and the author believes that federalism within the Iraqi state will fail to
satisfy their desire for self-rule. He argues that the ultimate goal of the
Iraqi Kurds is independence is apparent from the system they have
developed within their region. The nature of Iraq’s divided multi-ethnic
society constantly results in ethnic tensions, and the reality is that the Kurds
are a nation with strong feelings of their distinct ethnic identity, and those
that live inside the borders of Iraq resent their being forced to live as a subordinate minority in a state dominated by Arabs.