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JSPES, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring 2001 )

Hughes, James H. The Ballistic Missile Threat: Defense and Technology
Fox, E. & Orman, S. A Relook at Ballistic Missile Defense
Anderson, William L, et al The Microsoft Corporation in Collision with Antitrust Law
Ruggeri, G.C. and Yu, Weiqui Capital Income Taxation, Labor Supply, and Work Effort
Miller, Edward D. Book Review Article: Yes! There are Limits to Arbitrage: Lessons from the Collapse of Long Term Capital Management
Nadeem, Azhar H.; Ghazanfar, S.M.; Ahmad, Rafiq The Impact of Lawlessness on Pakistan's Economic Performance 1960-95
Brown, Pamela   Book Review Article: From the Past into the Future
Book Reviews   Security Market Imperfections in Worldwide Equity Markets; Monopoly Politics; The Inevitable Domination by Man: An Evolutionary Detective Story; Dear Enemy: Germany Then and Now; Knights of the Brush: The Hudson River School and the Moral Landscape