Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring
2001 )
pp. 303-320
Capital Income
Taxation, Labor Supply, and Work Effort
G.C. Ruggeri and Weiqui Yu
Although it is well-known
that in life cycle models of consumption and labor supply, capital
income taxation affects the labor supply through the normal
income effect, this interaction may be widespread. Based primarily
on graphic tools, three channels through which capital income
taxation may affect labor market behavior, in a manner that
it increases labor supply or work effort thereby reducing the
distortionary effect caused by a wage tax, are identified: first,
capital income taxes alter the lifetime labor supply when workers
are constrained on hours of work; second, they affect labor
supply in the case where consumers target a certain level of
lifetime consumption; finally, they influence work effort in
an efficiency wage model. Although the magnitude of these effects
must be determined through careful empirical investigations,
there are indications that it may be quite significant. Constraints
on hours of work affect the majority of the employed labor force
and surveys indicate that a large portion of well-to-do baby
boomers target consumption rather than maximize lifetime earnings.
The large cohort of baby boomers has also accumulated large
financial assets for the purpose of purchasing additional leisure
through earlier retirement. These financial assets increase
the ratio of non-labor income to labor income and may affect
the work effort of a large share of the working population.