Vol. 43, No. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2018)
pp. 26–32
A Provocative Look at Globalization and Democracy
Dwight D. Murphey
Wichita State University, retired
In a book that combines deep thoughtfulness and insight with a style that will put off most readers with its dissertation-like abstruseness, Guoguang Wu of Canada’s University of Victoria provides in-depth analysis of today’s global market economy and its relation to “democracy” in both “neoliberal” and “authoritarian” societies. In this article, we will recap his analysis, and will follow that with a critique of several issues that his book brings to mind. Among other things, we will see that the effort he has put in to describe the global market will rather soon be misplaced, since the on-rushing advance of science and non-labor-intensive technology is in the process of making a radically new economic order imperative.